Friday, June 18, 2010


Despite of the national hype on the observation of the Labor Day, I was so enthusiastic to stretch my bones and go to work. And so, I woke up early, had my breakfast and enjoyed the travel with no traffic. While on the road and looking outside the jeepney window, crazy things visited my mind and started to outline things that I need to accomplish for my 27th birthday. Ding-dong! I almost forgot my big day.

I wanted something new for my birthday not the usual gatherings, going-out and drinking – and so I thought of may be doing crazy things but then I can’t do that. I considered going to places I’ve never been like Boracay, Davao and Palawan but then I can’t afford that. In my frustration I just focused on the things that I do best and I can do with the least resources (yun naman pala ang dahilan). Well anyway, I was able to list down ten things that I ought to do for my birthday.

I started my birthday project by doing personalized and hand-made greeting cards to five youth leaders that had been very close to me (oops, others please don’t be jealous, it is just that I can only make 5). It doesn’t mean naman that because it was my birthday, I need to be the one to receive gifts like this, may be I can revert the tradition. I put all my creative juices in the cards… hopefully it went out good.

This one is really exciting and very special too. My second project was the storytelling session to 15 children of our volunteer mothers in one of our service center. It was fun; I told them the story of “ang bata sa basket” by Augie D. Rivera published by UNICEF. To make it more special, I prepared the snack for them. I cooked corn and tuna macaroni for the little party that we had. The youth loved it but not most of the children, they had more fun of the story and the orange/grape juice. On the other hand, Ma'am Cynthia, our (former) agency director sent to me some cute and very practical items that I used as prizes for the kids who made wonderful "I love you" card for the parents.

The next project I took was to give gifts to three sponsored children. I chose one guy from our theater group who celebrated his birthday during our training in Loyola Retreat House. Kuya Joel, my friend and officemate sponsored the school supplies I gave to Judai and Austin (wonderful young singers of our theater group). I also gave the sweat shirt I bought from Baguio to a friend (youth leader) who later on gave me a special treat at COCKTALES! Sarap!

Next on my list was to conduct resume-writing workshop to program graduates. Unfortunately, only 2 individuals attended the workshop so it became like a tutorial session for them. But I really enjoyed it; I saw in their faces that they have learned something from me. I may not be an expert on this, but at least I can help based on what I know and do.

My fifth project was to send snail mail to a very special friend from the province. I bought old traditional airmail envelope and put my writing in a yellow paper just like the old days. Oh my! I didn’t know that indeed, snail mail works so matagal, as in more tan two weeks before it arrived in Quezon, but worth the wait, because she liked it.

I actually listed ten things, but because of many projects that I have to accomplish in the office, I only achieved the above 5 targets. But I’m still happy of these things.

There were four things I was not able to do (saying). Those are (1) join a competition, whatever it is (2) offer fruits, as in many fruits, in a mass celebration (3) create an artwork for the office and (4) collect 25 centavo coins and donate it to the Pondong Pinoy. My birthday-session, probably, is over but that doesn’t mean I will stop pursuing these 4 projects… and more, and more!

There were also side projects; opportunities that just went a long the way. Like I had invitation to do a storytelling session at UP Los BaƱos, Laguna with the Asian Rice Institute then had a tour at IRRI, which is really beautiful I had this nostalgic feeling of my New York days.

On the actual day of my birthday, we were having the general and dress rehearsal for our Youth RAK Concert (by the way, RAK means Random Act of Kindness). Before we proceeded for our dinner, the youth surprised with a cake and a beautiful rendition of “happy birthday”! That inspired me to do more things for the youth and children of Children International. I felt that I am loved by many people… that can’t be replaced by anything or anyone in any way.

1 comment:

  1. awww. this post gave me an idea to also celebrate my birthdays in a "service" theme. :)

    the blog entry truly conveys your gratefulness (perhaps, one of the reasons why you did such wonderful project) :) and please count me in your list of many people who love you.

    I love you sir edel ^_^
