Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I always dream of becoming a talk show host; doing interviews to different people – in all walks of life. I want to see Madonna sitting right in front me in her gorgeous Armani female suit, we are laughing together, she’s talking about her elementary crush, her performance in school, how she actually liked mathematics and astronomy… then I get to know people in Somalia, discover their acquaintance with Mickey Mouse and Hollywood. But this wild dream didn’t come true. Six years after I graduated in college, I am now working as youth development worker in an NGO that helped me reached my dreams. Oh yeah, I get to talk to a lot of young people, learn their dreams and principle and uncover their heart’s desire. But then again, my aspiration of being in a make-shift beautiful living room inside a studio still lingers in my mind… I can still envision the movements of the camera, the dancing of lights and the director saying “action”. I am getting delusional now, and so before things get worse and I eat myself into deep frustration… I thought why not do it here?

Yeah, express myself in the web and create a blog site wherein I can talk about many topics – share my ideas on random events and interesting stuff! Now, I really wanted a name for my show that almost depicts everything I want to call is as “everything with E”. I’ll have it here! Not just in the air… but on line!

“Everything with E” is the haven of my thoughts, where my creativity will battle out with my emotions, practicality and my personal history. This is a place where I can talk about with things that start begins with “E” such as environment, education, entertainment, emotions, electricity, economics and events. But I will not forget things that has E on its center like sex perhaps, or men. Then, those that ends with “e” like life, love and style… and many others things that has “e” on it like freedom, health, games, recreation, science and other creatures. Food doesn’t have “e” but we can talk about appetite, desserts, cakes, candies, chocolates, meat and vegetables – oh don’t forget our juice and shakes.

Being ugly and fool doesn’t count on this blog; we rather talk about being beautiful, sexy and simple. If you have problem that has “e’ on it, sorry, solution doesn’t have ‘e” for it, but please don’t cry we can solve it, and if things get really tough and very hard to figure out, what we need is just a miracle that ends with “e”.

War doesn’t have “e” that’s why I don’t like it. I prefer peace and negotiations. We cannot talk about you and I and us… but we can talk about everybody and anyone. Probably, only Tuesday and Wednesday have “e” on it but who cares? We can do it everyday, within the week perhaps or why not the whole year. Do I need to measure about time?

So the next time that you open the net, don’t forget to visit my site “everything with e”. Always remember the “e” is the center of the World Wide Web!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha this post made me smile! :)
    "E" is mEaningFULL. like you! who has an initial of "E", a wondErful blEssing indEEd:)
