Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Last night I am having a second thought of watching a film. Why? First I don’t know what to like. Second, I don’t want to spend much. But then because I’ve been very tired these past few weeks, I really feel that I need to give myself a little threat in the cinema. Then, there I was standing in the movie booth, uncertain which one to see. Luckily, Emir came to my consideration.

In the beginning, I almost lost my interest. There’s a lot of singing going on, almost no rhyme, no beat and no interesting sound of the modern world, very few popular artist - the film, indeed, didn’t compromise with commercialism, it is full of art, the one that many youth or Filipinos no longer recognize nowadays. But then, slowly, the film will give you unexplained urge to just sit down there and let the story unfold in front of your eyes.

The lead actress is so “Filipina” and the rest of the OFWs featured in the film. I don’t want to talk about its story because the film has mastered its narration. Dulce, my goodness… she is so great! I didn’t imagine that she can act that way. She sings well, though I wish that the camera and a little ingredient of special effect would make her scene (the one when she convinces Amelia to accept the position she will be leaving) very much of “dream girls” or “Moulin Rouge”.

Emir is a film that this generation has almost missed. This is a film that we need right now! Beautiful storytelling, the lines are not awkward, actors are almost real and the cinematography is perfect.

This is a must-see film! Please watch it!
This is a little cliché… but simply for being a Filipino – watch it! It is beautiful!
Emir is beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. I really love this movie though i haven't watch this..I saw the trailer and it's so nice..Hope I can watch it, the soonest! :D

    Proud to be Pinoy!
